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I Am.....

Relationships, status, jobs, titles, offices, callings...

Those are labels. They are not who you are. If your identity is defined by a label that can be ripped from your chest at any given moment, you may be left free falling with no firm foundation on which to land. It's building a foundation on sand.

Years ago, before my divorce, my social media about info went something like: "Wife to one, mother of three, blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom and travel to some pretty cool places once in awhile." None of that tells you who I really am. Being a wife changed. My role as mom has changed over the years. We rarely travel anymore because the world and personal circumstances have changed. You see how defining myself by those things left me unsure about who I was? My profile now reads: "Alchemist. Storyteller. Student of peace, perspective, and self discovery." Those things will not shift and change. Those things are related to my core values and soul purpose.

Your character, your gifts, the way you view and move through the world, the values that guide your choices, the priorities that propel you forward....these make up who you are. You are not what you do or who you do it with. You ARE who you are. You are whole. You are complete. You always have been. You always will be.

If you would like first steps in rediscovering who you are, check out my first steps tab. I would love to help you take it from there!


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